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By Micah Harper

Micah Harper is an experienced real estate professional leading one of the highest volume independent real estate teams in San Antonio, ranked by Zillow Group among the Top 1% of Teams Nationwide for Customer Experience.

Book a Free Call. Book a one-on-one meeting to write a clear business plan to get more listings and sell them with less stress. Schedule a Business Planning Call

I have decided to offer the insights I’ve gained and lessons I’ve learned over my 18 year career in real estate for free to agents in the San Antonio market and not just my agents at Exquisite Properties.  

Instead of joining those that complain that real estate agents are undertrained and lack professionalism as an industry, I am committed to being the change. I have been blessed with a fulfilling and lucrative business and this is one of the ways that I can pay it forward.

I’m going to start by answering some of the most commonly asked real estate business questions to help you build a consistent business selling homes in San Antonio in this market and the markets to come. 

Once we’ve got that covered, I’ll discuss more advanced tools, techniques & mindsets that have set me apart from other agents over the years.  

As both a broker and a licensed real estate attorney I bring a unique perspective and will add a lot of value to your business. 

It’s no secret we’re in a new real estate market. Whether you’re a veteran agent or just a few years in the business, all of us need a mental reset after these last couple of years. That market was not normal and the skills we used then won’t serve us going forward. It’s back to the basics of time management, prospecting, lead follow-up, strong presentations, expert advice and time-tested marketing strategies. It’s time to re-sharpen the axe.

We’ve been fortunate to sell 417 homes ($138m+) over the past 12 months with less than 25 agents, our top agent sold 86 homes in 2022 ($30m+). We’re able to do this because our agents are exceptionally well trained, supported by full-time staff, an accessible leadership team, cutting edge technology and they put in the work it takes to be successful.  

Do you keep hearing that the market is down everywhere that you look? 
Here’s some information to help keep your perspective…

Want to work with us? Here are some ways to get involved.

In our market, 2,715 homes sold over the past 30 days. I pulled that right from our MLS.  Using the market average sale price of $310k that is $841,650,000 in volume.

Assuming a 5.5% total commission that’s $46,290,750 of commission income earned by agents and brokers in our market in the past 30 days! 

I want to help you get more of that money, consistently, with less risk and a reasonable work-life balance. This is the goal. Nobody wants to work all the time or sacrifice their entire life for their work. You must be effective and efficient with minimal wasted effort.

I wrote down all the business questions we’re getting from our agents at office meetings and put time on my calendar to record the answers. You’ll get your first free agent training video on the “Top 3 Reasons Why Most Agents Fail” in the next week. 
Please watch them. This is the exact training I provide to all of the agents on our team. It’s hyper-relevant to what is making our agents successful right now in this market and it’s all free to you. 

You can also sign up for my new real estate agent training e-newsletter for free.
If you have any questions, just reply to this email. It goes straight to me. I’m here. I’m out here every day working just like you. 

You’ll get your first free business coaching video shortly. I plan on sending you two insights every month. If you don’t want to hear from me, no hard feelings - just unsubscribe below.

I’m finalizing the video script now to deliver updated actionable advice for today’s market.

Your friend in the business,
Micah Harper